Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Request to Syria

Few months after President Suleiman visited Syria after an invitation delivered to him by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mouallem, Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad officially announced t today the decision to establish diplomatic ties with Lebanon. This is a historic first as our two neighboring countries have never had such relations since both gained their independance in the 1940s.

The two countries now have to make a common declaration on the date the respective embassies would be opened, and they have to decide where each embassy will be located.

Finally, many Lebanese will have a place to vent their anger and hold anti-Syria demonstrations and sit-ins. So I ask Syria to consider this when picking a location and to pick a place with a really large parking lot, so demonstrators won't have to clog up the streets causing traffic jams everywhere around.

Photo by AP.

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