Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Request to Syria

Few months after President Suleiman visited Syria after an invitation delivered to him by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mouallem, Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad officially announced t today the decision to establish diplomatic ties with Lebanon. This is a historic first as our two neighboring countries have never had such relations since both gained their independance in the 1940s.

The two countries now have to make a common declaration on the date the respective embassies would be opened, and they have to decide where each embassy will be located.

Finally, many Lebanese will have a place to vent their anger and hold anti-Syria demonstrations and sit-ins. So I ask Syria to consider this when picking a location and to pick a place with a really large parking lot, so demonstrators won't have to clog up the streets causing traffic jams everywhere around.

Photo by AP.

Monday, October 13, 2008


It's always nice to point out when interesting headlines show up like this morning's Al-Mustaqbal article (found through 14march.org) about Jubran Bassil that quotes Bassil as saying:

When we talk about terrorism in Lebanon, we say it exists and that it is active in a specific region of the North, they say we are accusing the North of terrorism.

The headline of this article?

Genius son-in-law plays again on the sectarian chord and accuses the North of terrorism.

They sure proved him wrong!